About Me

❤♫.•*☼*•..♥☼♥..•*☼*•.♫❤ I am a Christian and I love God. He's first in my life. My name is Deborah. I've been married to my best friend, Superman, for over 30 years. I have 3 grown children, sweet daughter in law, awesome son in law, A beautiful granddaughter and 2 handsome grandsons. Life as a wife, mother, mother in law and Nana. Loving the changes that are happening in my life!

❤•*☼*•♥☼ Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name forever and ever.♥•*☼*•.❤

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Echo/Echo-cardiogram Stress Test

So my appointments for my cardio test for release were the 17th & 19th.

So I went on the 17th for my appointment at CVAL. My appointment was at 11am...WRONG! lol. My appointment was actually for 2:30pm. So I had to hang out around Virginia for a few hours. I decided to go to a few thrift stores. I found some items for my bathroom. Then I went where both of my sons, Heath & Daniel work. Heath and I went to lunch(Daniel had already eaten his lunch).
We went to YNot. We had the spinach and tomato pizza and salads. It was a nice lunch and I didn't overdo it. I had a slice and a half of pizza with my salad and a glass of ice water.
Then I went to my appointment. Of course, laying there with no shirt or bra on and a paper robe is so much fun(dripping with sarcasm). But had a nice conversation with the tech about weight loss and exercise. The test did not take a long time and I was on my way home.

On April 19th, my appointment was at 11am(not 2:30pm), yes I had them mixed up. My dad rode with me to Virginia.  For this test, I had to have an IV put in. And just so you know, Benard ROCKS! I honestly never felt the needle go in my arm.
So the test starts. Deborah(the tech) talked to me about the test. Then she placed all the nice patches on that needed to be on me. Then she started her part of the test.  Then 2 other techs came in and talked to me about the medicine they were going to use to make my heart race. They took my blood pressure. It was 120/72 and started the medication. The first push of the meds caused my heart to speed up a little. I could feel it. It wasn't bad at all. She took my BP again, 130/68. Another push of the meds. This made my heart beat faster. It was fine, wasn't uncomfortable. Another BP check, 134/68. Between each meds push was 3 or 4 minutes. Another meds push. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Yeah it was a little uncomfortable but not unbearable. 138/68. Another push. And pictures of my heart. They looked good. BP check, 140/68 and nauseous! Very nauseous! They gave me a bag and stopped the medicine. My heartbeat had reached a good number with no problems. Soon after the meds stopped, nausea stopped. I was able to remove the patches and get dressed. IV was removed and out the door, I went.
So now I wait for my results. Next appointment is May the 11th at 2:40pm with Dr. Ashby at CVAL.


So one day last week I woke up early. I got bored. Then hungry. Then extremely bored. Sooo I ate a whole bag of sweet potato chips & some roasted garlic hummus.
After I finished eating it, I felt horrible. I felt angry, guilty, sad, disappointed & frustrated.
I tried to make myself throw up. It didn't work. So I just sat here feeling guilty. Then I talked to a friend, Vicki. She told me, "just don't do it again! Stop feeling bad about it and move on." She also told me about drinking vinegar with Splenda in it if that's how I could drink it. She said it would help to digest the food faster. So I did it. Did it work? I don't know. I just know she was right. I couldn't sit there and feel bad for what I have done all day. I could learn from the mistake and not do it again.

So a few days later I received a card from Vicki. It made me cry like a baby.
The card said;
Just wanted to let you know, that whatever you, me or whoever did something stupid (like eating a whole bag of chips). God will still forgive us AND he gives us His holy spirit to remind us to keep trying. Starting with your husband, you have a lot of people who know you can and will be successful and will be able to inspire others! 
You already inspire me! 
You can do it!

She's right I have a lot of people who are here for me. I have many friends and family that believe in me and that means the world to me.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Cardiovascular Consultation

Well, today was my visit with the cardiologist for my surgery clearance.
My blood pressure was 120/70. My heart rate was 76. My EKG was excellent.
I've lost 20 pounds.
Dr. Ashby wants me to have an echocardiogram Tuesday. And then Thursday I have an echocardiogram stress test. Something I said I would never have again.
The last time I had one of these, I thought I was going to die lol.
My heart raced so much it felt like I was going to explode but hopefully it will be over quick.
So now I have appointments tomorrow. Tuesday & Wednesday.
It's getting real now!