About Me

❤♫.•*☼*•..♥☼♥..•*☼*•.♫❤ I am a Christian and I love God. He's first in my life. My name is Deborah. I've been married to my best friend, Superman, for over 30 years. I have 3 grown children, sweet daughter in law, awesome son in law, A beautiful granddaughter and 2 handsome grandsons. Life as a wife, mother, mother in law and Nana. Loving the changes that are happening in my life!

❤•*☼*•♥☼ Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name forever and ever.♥•*☼*•.❤

Friday, August 2, 2019


Yes, I'm celebrating! I'm a little late posting this but that's ok.
This was my facebook post for July 9th, 2019 & July 11th;

Today, July 9th marks a year since I had gastric bypass. I started the process in January 2018 at my heaviest weight. I had a lot of meetings, classes, and appointments to go through. It was a 6-month long process to get a surgery date. This isn't something I just jumped in to. I've been trying to have this surgery a long time but no insurance for years and then when I did have insurance it wouldn't cover bariatric surgery. Finally, they decided to cover it. I had to have many different doctors clearance from primary care to cardiologist. 6 months of nutrition education. It's nothing like it was 20 years ago.
I've had people beg me not to have it. I've had people tell me I was going to die. I've had people tell me I took the easy way out. Obviously, I ignored them. As far as taking the easy way out? Talk to me when you're on a diet and can only eat 1 ounce of food 3 times a day for a month. Talk to me when you eat 1 bite too much and you feel like your stomach is ripping open,  your chest is going to explode and you break out into a cold sweat and end up losing everything you ate. Lol yeah, I took the easy way out. But enough about that.
The day I came home from the hospital my doctor took me off my insulin and metformin. Later I took myself off of my cholesterol medicine. I no longer use a CPAP machine. I don't snore anymore. It's been a life-changer.
Doug and I are so much more active. We ride bikes, go for walks, tent camping and a lot more.
Since January I have lost 149 pounds. I've gone from a size 26/28(4x) to a 10-12(med.-large). I've even dropped a shoe size. I have felt amazing!
Right now I have an ulcer so I'm on some medicines but I still would do this all over again. It's worth it. It's not easy. It's hard at times.
Doug Brickhouse has been my number 1 supporter. He cheers me on and gives me the look when I eat something I shouldn't. He's my food police.  I need it at times! My children and their spouses have been supportive also. My friends and family have been there for me from the beginning. I can't thank them enough for all they have done to help me.
So many people have cheered me on and I thank each and every one of them.
Last but not least I thank God. Without Him, none of this would be possible.
Before picture was taken October of 2017 at Courtney and Justin wedding. After was taken today. (Doug made me pose a little lol).

July 11th, 2019 post:

At support group tonight I earned my pin for getting to my goal weight. I've been waiting for this day. #goals #ididit #notdonethough

I mess up a lot but I'm not giving up. I refuse to go back to where I was. I'm not perfect. I cheat on my diet from time to time. I'm not proud of that at all.  It's not that I wasn't a happy person when I weighed over 300 pounds cause I was to a point. I loved my husband then and my children and grandchildren. I loved my friends and family. I didn't love myself. I still have some issues with that but I'm getting there. I like myself now. Do I like the sagging arms? Absolutely not but those wings are my badge. They are mine and if others don't like how they look they don't have to look. 
I'm not one for being the center of attention. I actually hate having the focus on me. But I also didn't like hearing people say things under their breath when I walked across the room. When I bent over. People that were supposed to be friends...even family make jokes that they thought I didn't hear. It's ok cause I've got a big heart and sometimes that can be a problem cause I tend to forgive things like that and move on even though it did hurt me. It's part of life and it goes on. 

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