About Me

❤♫.•*☼*•..♥☼♥..•*☼*•.♫❤ I am a Christian and I love God. He's first in my life. My name is Deborah. I've been married to my best friend, Superman, for over 30 years. I have 3 grown children, sweet daughter in law, awesome son in law, A beautiful granddaughter and 2 handsome grandsons. Life as a wife, mother, mother in law and Nana. Loving the changes that are happening in my life!

❤•*☼*•♥☼ Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name forever and ever.♥•*☼*•.❤

Friday, February 9, 2018

Support Group

On January 12th I went to my first support group, which was amazing.

They discussed everything. People asked questions. The doctor was there. Also nurses and nutritionist.
I watched a woman get a pin for hitting 100 pounds. I heard women and men talk about the struggles, the highs and lows. It was amazing. I listened to the fears of others. The encouragement from those who have already been through the surgery. People laughed and cried. There was nearly 80 people there.
I have to go to 2 manditory group meetings but I intend to go to many more. They are so interesting. And you learn so much.
The question and answer portion is the best though. To hear what all these people have gone through and not in a totally negative way. Its just awesome. To see the progress they have made.
To hear what medicines they have come off of since having the surgery. I'm really excited about that.

My first challenge for the next month was to drink 64 ounces of water a day.

I'm going to add the next Support Group to this post because I'm behind in my posting.

February 8th:

Tonights Support Group was interesting. Doug went with me tonight.

I turned in my challenge. I DID IT! at least 64 ounces of water every day!

We had a special speaker. She was a dietician. She talked about different things that cause you to gain weight after losing weight by gastric bypass or by using medicines to lose weight.

We heard questions about how do we change the way we eat when we love food so much.
We heard a man talk about how a rescue of a patient was the last straw and he chose to have the surgery.

There was no pins given tonight. But it was still a great meeting.

Our next challenge is to eat 3 meals a day.

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